2021. 8. 21 ~ 8. 22UCI GFWS AROUND SAMCHEOK 2021


    OUR COMMITMENT Your privacy is very important to us. XCWORKS, agency of ‘Around Samcheok’, is committed to providing participants in our events with exceptional experiences in their lives. As providing these experiences involves the collection, use and disclosure of some personal information, protecting the privacy and personal information of our participants is one of our highest priorities. For the purposes of this policy, “participants in our events” includes registrants to an event, event volunteers, contributors, and stakeholders. We are committed to protecting the privacy of all participants as outlined in the procedures in this policy. We will inform participants in our events of why and how we collect, use and disclose their personal information; obtain their consent where required; and only handle their personal information in a manner that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances. Our privacy commitment includes ensuring the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of our participants’ personal information and allowing our participants’ to request access to, and correction of, their personal information. COLLECTING PERSONAL INFORMATION XCWORKS collects and uses personal information for purposes necessary to carry out our business vision of putting on extraordinary events that inspire and enthral and in order to comply with any legal requirements. This includes the following purposes: To verify identity To identify participants’ preferences To register a participant in an event To register a volunteer for involvement in an event To process financial transactions (including entrance fees) To inform event medical personnel of any relevant medical conditions of participants To send out important event information To inform participants about upcoming XCWORKS events; To establish, build, and maintain relationships To conduct participant surveys in order to enhance the provision of our services To use photographs in future XCWORKS Event publications including: newsletters, promotional items, registration forms, or on our website. XCWORKS discloses personal information only for purposes necessary to fulfill our mission and in order to comply with legal requirements. This includes the following purposes: To identify participants’ preferences To register a participant in an event To register a volunteer for involvement in an event To send out important event information To inform participants about upcoming XCWORKS events To conduct participant surveys in order to enhance the provision of our services To use photographs in future XCWORKS Event publications including: newsletters, promotional items, registration forms, or on our website To inform event medical personnel of any relevant medical conditions of participants We will not use or disclose participant personal information for any additional purpose unless we obtain consent to do so. Furthermore, we will not sell participant lists or personal information to other parties. We may collect, use or disclose personal information without the participant knowledge or consent in the following limited circumstances: When the collection, use or disclosure of personal information is permitted or required by law In an emergency that threatens an individual’s life, health, or personal security When the personal information is available from a public source (e.g., a telephone directory) When we require legal advice from a lawyer For the purposes of collecting a debt To protect ourselves from fraud To investigate an anticipated breach of an agreement or a contravention of law In order to achieve the above stated purposes, XCWORKS collects the following types of information: Contact information includes name, home address, home phone, and personal email Financial information require to process fees Photographs to use in future publications including: newsletters, registration forms, website, promotional materials Medical information relevant to involvement in a sporting event CONSENT XCWORKS will obtain participant and volunteer consent to collect, use or disclose personal. Consent can be provided verbally, in writing, electronically, through an authorized representative or it can be implied where the purpose for collecting using or disclosing the personal information would be considered obvious and the participant voluntarily provides personal information for that purpose. Consent may also be implied where a participant or volunteer is given notice and a reasonable opportunity to opt-out of his or her personal information being used for mail-outs, the marketing of new events and the participant does not opt-out. Subject to certain exceptions (e.g., the personal information is necessary to participate in an event, or the withdrawal of consent would frustrate the performance of a legal obligation), participants can withhold or withdraw their consent for XCWORKS to use their personal information in certain ways. A participant’s or volunteer’s decision to withhold or withdraw their consent to certain uses of personal information may restrict our ability to provide a particular service or allow registration. If so, we will explain the situation to assist the participant or volunteer in making the decision. ENSURING ACCURACY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION XCWORKS makes reasonable efforts to ensure that participant or volunteer personal information is accurate and complete. In most instances we rely on the individual to notify us of any changes to their information. SECURING PERSONAL INFORMATION XCWORKS maintains appropriate security measures to safeguard personal information depending upon the sensitivity of the information and how it is stored. Measures include restricted access to certain records, locked premises, and the use of passwords. We will use appropriate security measures when destroying participant or volunteer personal information such as: shredding documents or deleting electronically stored information. We will continually review and update our security policies and controls as technology changes to ensure ongoing personal information security. IP ADDRESSES We track traffic to our website by collecting visitors’ domain and IP addresses automatically; this information does not identify you as an individual, but only the computer that is being used to view the site. An IP address is a unique number assigned to your computer when you are using your browser on the Internet. We log this information so that we can monitor things like the number of visitors visiting the website; however, we do not use or link your IP address to any personally identifying information. COOKIES Cookies tell our website that you’ve visited before and can help to make your visit more personal so you may not need to re-enter information on return visits. Cookies also allow us to count the number of unique and return visitors to our website as well as enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance their experience on our website. Cookies are pieces of information or data sent to your browser from a web server as a result of visiting a website. They are stored in small text files on your computer’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can reset your browser to notify you when you’ve received a cookie or, alternatively, to refuse to accept cookies. It is important to note that you may not be able to use certain features on our website if you choose not to accept cookies. LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES The XCWORKS website and newsletters contains links to other websites that may be of interest to the visitor to our site. By providing these linkages, XCWORKS is not responsible for the privacy practices, content, transactions, and functioning of the linkages of these sites. Users submitting information to these third party websites should review the privacy statements of these sites before providing them with personally identifiable information. POLICY UPDATES AND CHANGES We review our privacy practices regularly. As a result, changes to this privacy policy may be made from time to time. The most current policy can be accessed on our website or by contacting the XCWORKS office. QUESTIONS AND COMPLAINTS: CONTACTING THE PRIVACY OFFICER You may contact the Privacy Officer at: XCWORKS HousD El Tower, F1016 35, Jojeong-daero, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do 12918 Republic of Korea Tel: +82-2-407-0432 Email: xcworks@xcworks.com This Privacy Policy was last updated on 3 January 2020.