2021. 8. 21 ~ 8. 22UCI GFWS AROUND SAMCHEOK 2021


    1. Participants must wear an approved helmet that meets safety standards of his/her country.
    2. This race will be held under the regulations of Korea Cycling Federation (KCF).
    3. All riders must present themselves at the race start areas no later than 15 minutes before their start time for a Commissaire to check their bike adheres to weight(>6.8 kg) and equipment regulations.
    4. After the Bike inspection, participants shall stay within the start area and prohibited to go out the area.
    5. Riders starts in intervals of 1 minute by the signal of start timer.
    6. A rider, upon catching up with another shall leave a lateral gap of at least 2 metres between himself and the other rider. After 1 km, the rider caught up shall ride at least 25 m away from the other.
    7. Check out the UCI rules here https://www.uci.org/inside-uci/constitutions-regulations/regulations